Prague to Karlovy Vary Trains

Taking the train is always a great idea when traveling from Prague to Karlovy Vary, as a high-speed train covers the distance between the two cities in just three hours! The Prague to Karlovy Vary trains are modern, safe, and well-equipped. Don't miss the opportunity to experience the fastest mean to travel in the most comfortable way.
Find your train and book train tickets with Rail.Ninja® - a global independent online reservation service agency for train tickets
  • Prague
    ​Departure station:

    Prague Main Station

  • Arrow
    Distance by train:
    232 ​kilometers
  • Karlovy Vary

    Arrival station:

    Karlovy Vary Horni Nadrazi

Prague to Karlovy Vary Train Information

Train travel from Karlovy Vary to Prague typically takes 3 hours 22 minutes, covering a distance of about 144 miles (232 km). Tickets for the trip start from $22 if booked in advance and there are 7 trains per day between Karovy Vary and Prague.

Shortest travel time:

​3 hrs 19 min

Longest travel time:

​3 hrs 27 min

Earliest departure:


Latest departure:


Eager to visit one of the most stunning places in the Czech Republic, magical Karlovy Vary, and wondering how to arrange the fast connection? Then you should know that taking a train is always a good idea when it comes to traveling between these destinations since Karlovy Vary to Prague train time is just 3 hours!
​Designed with passenger's comfort in mind, all trains running on the line are punctual, safe, and well-equipped. Another perk of rail travel is a saturated train schedule featuring at least 7 daily departures.

Prague to Karlovy Vary Train Timetable

You can find the schedule for every train departing from Prague to Karlovy Vary throughout the day here, including the earliest and latest departure times and the number of departures every day.

*​Check the current Prague to Karlovy Vary timetable on the website Rail.Ninja

Czech Railways Express Train Prague to Karlovy Vary

It is always a good idea to take a train from Prague to Karlovy Vary, as a high-speed train can cover the distance in just three hours!
Apart from being one of the fastest ways to travel, a train ride is also among the most comfortable ones. Prague to Karlovy Vary trains are all modern, safe, and well-equipped. On the journey, passengers will benefit from comfortable seats, ample legroom, and plenty of luggage space. In addition, the trains are punctual throughout.

Prague to Karlovy Vary Train Classes

On EuroCity trains, you can choose from several classes, including first and second class. On most trains, the second class consists of two rows of seats, the first class of two rows of seats, and some trains have compartments of six seats.

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FAQ: Prague to Karlovy Vary Train Travel

Prague to Karlovy Vary Railway Map


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